This home at 1705–13th Ave. S.W. has been well cared for throughout its almost ninety years. It is one of only a handful of homes in Sunalta with an original stone veranda.
The building has a wonderful history. Raleigh Pearl Hickle (1873-1963), a contractor and farmer from Indiana, his wife Della Dora Dawson (1880-1965) and their daughter Ruth Estella (1901-1995) came to Calgary in 1910. Their first home was at 1916–12th Ave. S.W. They also owned a farm in Delacour. In 1921 Raleigh built the house at 1705 – 13th Ave. S.W. and it remained in the family until the passing of Della in 1965. Ruth Hickle never married, and was a Calgary school teacher.
Do you have questions about Sunalta’s history that you’d like answered for the next issue? Contact Kelsey at kelsey@sunalta.net