Sun Tots
10 AM - 11:30 AM
Sun Tots is a parent/caregiver led drop-in playgroup in partnership with Carya that has been running for 5 years. Many long lasting friendships have been formed from this group.
We gather weekly and share in song, games, arts and crafts.
Leading by example, all participants help out in the set up and tidy up. We encourage everyone to participate by leading a game, craft, reading a book or sharing some skills that pertain to family and fun.
This is a FREE drop-in event.
Thursdays @ 10am-11:30am
At Sunalta Community Hall - Main Hall Door
(1627 10th Ave SW)
email jennifer@sunalta.net for more info!
Summer Tots JULY - AUGUST

Summer Tots
Every THURSDAY during July and August
10 AM - 12PM
Summer Tots is what we call our Sun Tots program in the warmer months! During July and August we extend our program time by an hour and host it outside to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.
We open the program up to kids of all ages and bring in up to 4 special guests throughout the summer to make this time extra special!
This is a FREE drop-in event.
Thursdays @ 10am-12pm
At Sunalta Community Hall
(1627 10th Ave SW)
Special guests in previous years include:
African Storytelling
Indigenous Fancy Dancing
Alberta Ballet
Carya Prime time