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Includes 2 adults & all dependant children

Please email with all family members names on the membership

ASSOCIATE $40 | Living outside of Sunalta
Associate Members do not receive Hall Rental Discounts

Associate members are unable to vote at General Meetings or Election, but enjoy all the other rights of membership


Once we receive your payment, we will contact you with confirmation and email you an official electronic membership card. Memberships are good for ONE CALENDAR YEAR so be sure to renew in January to get the most out of yours. By purchasing a membership, you agree to subscribe to our contact list. You can unsubscribe at anytime.

Reasons to be a Member of Sunalta Community Association


 Free Programs – Sunalta CA works closely with residents to create programs that enhance life in Sunalta and the City at large. Explore a wide range of experiences by exploring our Programs Page. Children learn social and leadership skills through community programs, which help them to become stewards and active members of our neighourhood. Have a little one? Join us at the next SunTots play group.

Early bird spots at popular events and programs that sell-out every year!

Discounts at Sunalta’s coffee shop (stay tuned for grand opening dates and discount details!).


Discounts at local businesses (will be launched for 2025! Stay tuned!).

Toy and Game Library – Gain borrowing access to over 200 games and toys. We have games, sports equipment and toys for all ages.


Planning and Development – The SCA is working hard at Revitalizing the neighbourhood. We are taking care of our parks, gardens and green spaces. If the neighbourhood is faced with a planning issue, from transportation to zoning, your community association can help protect the interests of the community.


Quality of Life and Engagement – Individual opportunities to take part in building a quality life for all. We have opportunities for you to Volunteer in many ways. Share your ideas and help create the place you want to be a part of. Sunalta is home to many creative, thoughtful, community minded, entrepreneurial individuals. Membership helps you to connect with your neighbours. Let’s build a network of awesomeness!


Resources – We work with other partners to bring needed resources close to home. 


Special Events – We encourage fun whenever possible! We invite you to check out Sunalta Live! music events, our famous Annual Stampede Breakfast, Movie in the Park, outdoor gatherings, online learning sessions and more! Members of the SCA have access to many incredible events. All events are either free or have a minimal cost. Be the first to know!


News – Stay informed with our Social Media, Instagram, and FaceBook platforms. Membership gives you access to our amazing monthly newsletter. This is where you can keep up to date on all things Sunalta, and have your voice and ideas shared with the community.


Community Gardens – There are three gardens for you to dig in. Join your neighbours – grow something new!


Community Economic Development – We are working hard to promote shopping local. See our business directory


Facility Rental - We offer discounts for our facility rentals to Sunalta residents who have an active membership!

Your membership fee supports affordable, local programs that help keep your community healthy and vibrant. Thanks for pitching in!

The cost of building and maintaining community facilities is considerable. Your membership fees are an important part of supporting your community association.

Renew Your Membership for the 2024 Year!
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