Current Development Applications

Arlington Development | The Sentinel - DP2023-05925
Address: intersection of 17 ave and 14 st SW
Description: Multi residential development (3 building), retail and consumer service
Applicant: Jackson McCormick Design Group
H-GO - LOC2024-0050
Address: 1634 12 Ave SW
Description: dwelling units that primarily take the form of a rowhouse, townhouse, or stacked townhouse and may include secondary suites [Housing - Grade-Oriented (H-GO) District]
Applicant: Ellergodt Design

EC Living - DP2023-07409 / LOC2023-0334
Address: 1707 12 ave SW
Description: *NEW* Multi-residential Development (4 Buildings), 3-storeys, 48 units, Proposed land-use change
Applicant: Formed Alliance Architecture Studio
City of Calgary Development Map
The City of Calgary Development Map was created to enable citizens and community associations to provide comments on planning applications in their communities in a more easily accessible and convenient manner.
The city can then use these comments to provide applicants with direction on their application.
The development map:
enables you to see development permit application plans/renderings without submitting a service request to Property Research
Final Approved plans will be posted to allow you to see how the development changed based on feedback from intersted parties, including citizen comments
makes it easy and convenient to participate in the planning process.

How to provide feedback on proposed development:
You can share your thoughts on proposed application directly using the development map. To ensure you comments are considered, they must be:
Submitted in writing through the Development Map OR sent as a letter to the file manager listed in the “contact us” tab on the development application.
Submitted when the commenting period is open.