Support the Sunalta Community Hub Project

The Coffee Kiosk Project
The Sunalta Community Association (SCA) has successfully raised $5.012M to date fund the build of the Sunalta Community Hub! It couldn't, however, afford to build the coffee kiosk yet - which is key to the SCA's community impact and social enterprise plan. In the current build, the kiosk will be framed and roughed-in so that when more funding becomes available, the SCA could finish the build.
Did you know?
The coffee kiosk is a Social Enterprise. This means that the profit it generates will be reinvested back into the community - allowing us to keep offering free programs and services aimed at building community and addressing community-wide concerns of poverty, social isolation, and food insecurity. In addition to revenue generation, the coffee kiosk will create meaningful jobs for residents!
Pretty cool, right?
Tax receipts will be issued from Parks Foundation for donations!